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Train Set



Creator=James McCreadie. Directors=Rob Burrows. 26 votes. Romance. Description=Sam looks forward to happy family life with girlfriend Jennifer and rediscovered teenage son Mark. Complications ensue when best friend Jonathan meets an early demise. Unfazed by Sam"s decision to bury Jonathan in their herb patch mystic lodgers Trevor and Tracey hatch a plan to reanimate Jonathan, a fact unknown to Sam who now struggles to hold onto Jennifer and avoid encounters with the police fuelled by nosy neighbour Mrs Burd. With twists and turns at every corner this ZomCom love story gives a new meaning to the concept of survival. Jimmy Vee. This movie is a brilliant mix of comedy and drama. There were OMG moments and moments that had me laughing out loud. The characters were colorful and interesting, two of which were quite quirky which added to the fun. The script was very well-written with loads of wit and some really nice twists. There was also some great cringe-worthy scenes that were brilliant (kudos to their very talented makeup artist) as well as scenes that had me saying WTF and loving every moment of it.
The cast was awesome and delivered great performances! I especially loved the character, Jonathan, played by James McCreadie. His performance was absolutely brilliant! Everyone gave brilliant performances, but you will see what I mean when you watch the movie. Jonathan"s character was played brilliantly.
This movie is guaranteed to make you laugh and make you "feel" right up until the very end! I highly recommend this movie.




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runtime - 52min

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Comment tuer sa mère



Comment tuer sa mère è un film interpretato da Chantal Ladesou, Vincent Desagnat e Julien Arruti. Tre fratelli hanno avuto abbastanza e escogitano un piano per uccidere la loro madre tirannica

90 minuti


Morgan Spillemaecker

Valutazione utente = 4,4 / 10


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  1. tomatometer 7,3 / 10

  2. Directed by Limor Shmila

  3. writed by Limor Shmila

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  5. cast Hai Maor

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  1. Giorgos Papatheodorou

  2. Cast: Kostas Dra, Kiriaki Ipsilanti

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Better choice of music. I"ll give it a shot. I just want a Man Of Steel 2. I"d do something wayyyy different than read a book in a closed library with him. This is literally the same movie again, what a filthy cash grab. I hate to think what illumination is going to do with the Mario movie. They don"t care about making a good film, they just care about making a marketable one.






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